Sunday, October 30, 2011

On a more positive note

On a more positive note, All Hands in Ofunato (which incidentally is not us, we are HANDS serving mostly Kamaishi/Rikuzentakata) is rebuilding a park.

How great would that be, to build a park? I`m really looking forward to doing something like that, hopefully sooner than later.

November approacheth! HANDS has at least one foreign volunteer besides myself scheduled to participate every weekend. One foreign group scheduled and possibly two or three others in the works. In the meantime, though, I feel like I haven`t been getting as many new inquiries about volunteering.
I`m not sure if the same is true for Japanese participants as well, or if as a group we`re holding steady. Are there enough volunteers or not? I don`t even know that for sure.
I`ve been looking at this graph
and it looks bad, but I can`t be sure what exactly it means. For non-Japanese speakers, that blue graph on the right is the number of volunteers coming to Kamaishi weekly.
Rikuzentakata is here
What`s up with October? Maybe it just looks bad compared to the big peak during August. I`m trying not to worry about it because it`s a waste of time. Anyway: go November go! Come on up and volunteer! The more people come, the sooner we can get to things like building parks.

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